One brand, one signature

Every employee the same professional signature

Keep every email on-brand and professional with eformity. Our solution ensures that every employee’s signature is consistent, no matter if they use the desktop or online version of Microsoft Outlook.

Always consistent

Unified signatures across outlook desktop and online

Even on the go, eformity ensures your email signatures are always up to date and consistent across all platforms. Maintain a professional appearance in every message within Microsoft Outlook.

eformity ensures seamless integration with both desktop and online versions of Microsoft Outlook for consistent email management.
Create and manage email signatures in multiple languages in Microsoft Outlook with eformity for consistent global communication.
Global communication

Switch between languages without losing consistency

With eformity, your international teams can communicate effortlessly in any language. Switch between multilingual signatures and ensure consistent branding across the globe.

Switch roles, not accounts

Send emails as any colleague without changing accounts

Whether you're covering for a colleague or collaborating on a project, eformity allows you to send emails using your colleague’s signature, ensuring a personalized and professional appearance.

Use your colleague's email signature in Microsoft Outlook with eformity for consistent and professional communication.
Create and use standard email templates in Microsoft Outlook with eformity for fast and professional communication.
Emails in no time

Create templates for effortless communication

Send emails that are ready to go or rapidly create new ones using your own building blocks. No more wasting time on formatting, just add your personal details and hit send!

Boost engagement

Add temporary marketing banners to your signature

Capture your audience's attention with stunning promotional banners in your signatures. Our solution allows you to implement temporary banners for specific events, keeping your message relevant.

Add marketing banners for special events or holidays in Microsoft Outlook and manage it for the entire organization.
Endless possibilities

Discover all our solutions

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word

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Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel

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Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint

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Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

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Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook

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Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint

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Struggling to keep email signatures aligned?

With eformity, you’ll always deliver a professional, consistent signature – across every device*, language, and role.
Get consistent signatures